Kampung Girl is a romantic comedy drama featuring popular actor Akim Ahmad Khairi and Nad Ashraf as Ainnur Azmi Zainal .

By trend , Kampung Girl was adapted from a popular novel Umi Kalsom work ( Work of Art ) . Additionally Village Girl also features actress Emma Maembong , Syafiq Kyle , Hilal Azman , Emma Akma , Fikhree Bake , Ramona Zam Zam , Anne Abdullah , Reen Rahim Ramli Salleh .

It is directed by Heykal Hanifa while Heykal own road to self- script by Eja Lorena and Zakinah Ab . Zarith .

Synopsis Kampung  Girl

The story begins when Ashraf Khairi , 28 years old , is the youngest business partner , Mr. and Mrs. Mazlin Rihanna are trying joined together with his own cousin , Ainnur Azmi, a 25 -year-old girl in the village who took it did not work and just spend time with poultry in the village .

Ashraf soul began to rebtel . He began organizing strategies to concern themselves in office to protest and postponed his parents wishes .

Since young Ashraf do not like Ainnur . Only insult and curse words coming out of his mouth only when co- Ainnur Ashraf .

Ainnur who feel challenged with ridicule Ashraf has received proposal from Mrs. Mazlin . He wanted to teach Ashraf who is arrogant .

Kampung Girl aired by Zehra slot , every Friday at 9.00 pm . Viewers who missed to watch the drama series on television , can be followed with portal .